Difficult environment: Conventional seals are reaching their limits

NGL processes primarily pump light hydrocarbons (i.e. ethane and propane). In other processes, liquid CO2 is pumped. Temperature and pressure fluctuations can cause phase transitions between liquid and gas in conjunction with the low vapor pressure margin of the medium at the sealing surfaces. The consequential dry run will damage the mechanical seal and result in seal failure.

An additional cause of failure occurs for standby pumps: pump and seal are often under full pressure for long periods of time (sometimes for months). When the pump is started, the sliding faces of the seal come into direct contact with each other, run dry, and can be damaged or even destroyed in consequence.

Always better: DF-(P)DGS6 can do more than others

Due to its broad and structured seal faces, the DF-(P)DGS6 runs contact-free and can operate in both modes: gas-lubricated as well as liquid-lubricated. And above all: the sealing system is extremely reliable. In addition to the robust design is the unique diamond bonding of EagleBurgmann: DiamondFace.

DiamondFace bonded sliding faces permit a much smaller sealing gap design. Minimal leakage during operation and optimal leak tightness during standstill – unrivalled by any other seal! DiamondFace also makes the seal extremely robust in transient conditions where contact between the sliding faces can occur.

DiamondFace: A success story

In 2007, EagleBurgmann created a landmark in mechanical seal technology with the introduction of DiamondFace. A microcrystalline bonding with all the attributes of natural diamond is applied to the seal faces by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) at 2,000 °C (3,632 °F) in a vacuum reactor. Thick bonding (up to 15 µm) coupled with extremely flat and uniform seal faces characterize this procedure, which was developed together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films in Braunschweig, Germany.

  • Maximum hardness and wear resistance
  • Excellent thermal conductivity
  • Minimal friction
  • Highest chemical resistance
  • No problems caused by inadequate lubrication
  • Tolerant to dry running
  • No abraded particles to contaminate the product

Numerous applications in the fields of oil & gas, refineries, chemical industry, slurry, pharmaceuticals and water supply testify to the added value that DiamondFace can bring to the overall performance of a facility. This innovation has thousands of success stories relating to its application in a vast range of industrial sectors. Worldwide.

Unleash the massive potential of a diamond. With the DiamondFace mechanical seal for your specific applications.

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The DF-(P)DGS6 for low vapor margin applications

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Details about the DF-(P)DGS6

Additional information about the DF-(P)DGS6 can be found here...