
API Plan 61

API Plan 61

Tapped and plugged at­mos­pheric-side con­nec­tions for pur­chaser’s use.

A  Con­nec­tion plugged

Seal chamber details

1  Quench (Q), plugged, metal
2  Drain (D), open con­nected to metal tubing
3  Flush (F)
5  Seal chamber

Example seal: EagleBurgmann LL9UC single pusher me­chan­i­cal seal.

P&ID according to API


1  Quench (Q), plugged, metal
2  Drain (D), open con­nected to metal tubing
4  To col­lec­tion point



  • Normally used for single seals but can be applied for dual seals as well.
  • The ‘Q’ and ‘D’ connections when piped, this plan is converted to Plan 62.
  • The ‘D’ connection can be piped to a drain collection system.


  • On horizontal and vertical pumps as a future provision for Plan 62 or Plan 65

Remarks, checkpoints

  • Ensure that atmospheric side ports are always plugged if not in use as foreign particle entry will cause seal failure.
  • Use metallic plugs or connect the necessary piping by replacing the plastic plugs fitted on the mechanical seal gland plate.

Location, function

  • Atmospheric side
  • Drain



2CW-CW*, 3CW-FB*, 3CW-BB*, 3CW-FF*

* Remark: The con­fig­u­ra­tions listed for each in­di­vid­ual piping plan are to be un­der­stood as rec­om­men­da­tions in­clud­ing possible uti­liza­tions which may also be applied.


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